Support affordable housing on public land by adding your name.
Use your voice, add your name, and speak up for your community! Tell City Council you support the use of public land for affordable housing. The BIA Blueprint will help Philadelphia address a growing affordable housing crisis and streamline mixed-income housing development on city land.
Sign up to support
affordable housing
on public land now!
Can I
live here?
Yes, you can.
The BIA created a blueprint for building affordable housing
throughout Philadelphia. The approach promotes the creation of
mixed-income communities on city-owned land to make for-sale
or rental housing within reach for all. It’s that simple.

Beat the drum on every block, in every neighborhood, in every district until
it’s heard. The demand for affordable housing in Philadelphia cannot be met without
unlocking city land and engaging the help of the private sector. The BIA can then
leverage the capability of its members to deliver units at scale.
Learn More

Did you
- There are 6000 parcels of public land waiting to be developed?
- Those parcels could assist residents at all income levels?
- BIA supported legislation approving $400 million for affordable housing?
- Legislation exists that streamlines housing development on city land if 51% of the units are affordable?
- Applications for hundreds of units are awaiting approval from the Philadelphia Land Bank?
Let’s move forward.
Together, we can turn "can I" into "I can" and make
housing dreams a reality. The Blueprint shows us how to
maximize the use of public land for affordable housing.
BIA Blueprint
We’re ready with plans and a network of builders, professional
service providers, and suppliers but we need your help.
Tell City Council you
want to live here, now!
Fill out this petition
so your community
voice is heard.